How it started… vs how it’s going — a business update
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“I just want my home to smell good…”
— famous last words from yours truly
I grew up as the kid with “sensitive skin” and allergic reactions to just about everything. I couldn’t buy makeup from the drug store or use all the popular body lotions without breaking out. Seasonal allergies would wreck me every year, and I started getting chronic headaches when I was in my early teens. Despite knowing all of that, I couldn’t resist buying candles and wall plug-ins because I LOVE the cozy atmosphere that scents create and I didn’t yet know about the dangers of synthetic fragrance.
“What if ‘sensitive skin’ is just your body’s way of telling you to stop using toxic crap?”
I finally said “enough is enough” a few years ago when I got a horrific week-long migraine after plugging in my beloved Christmas scents. I reached out to a coworker who I knew was into oils, and after spending an evening smelling her entire collection, I was immediately blown away. I knew these amazing blends were how my home could smell great without me paying the price with my health. What I didn’t know is how these simple swaps would change my world in ways I never knew I needed.
It’s been such an incredible journey: after swapping the products in my home for chemical-free alternatives, I feel better than I have in years and am able to enjoy the scents of every season without the undesirable side effects. It’s funny how other aspects of my health have improved drastically, but that’s a story for another day.
“Multiple streams of income are no longer a luxury but a necessity.”
After being laid off from my corporate career (hello, 2020), I began diving deeper into the entrepreneurial aspect of this oily business that I said I’d never do. It wasn’t until that season of life that I fully appreciated the accidental paycheck that I was earning from the foundation I had laid just by sharing what I loved. That extra paycheck meant more than I could have ever imagined when I started sharing these products and I want to share that opportunity with you.
Sharing is easy. Success takes intentional hard work, but these products speak for themselves. And at the end of the day it’s about so much more than just a paycheck — it’s all about teamwork, celebrating together, and fulfilling your dreams. Plus it feels pretty amazing knowing that you’re helping families pave their own path towards improved health and wellness.
If you’re interested in joining a community that gives more than they take and pursuing the opportunity of building a business with the support of successful leaders that have come before you, we’re here for you. I’d love nothing more than to walk by your side and introduce you to all of the things you never knew you needed.
*because we talked about income opportunities, read the full income disclosure here.